Wednesday, January 21, 2009

DAY 15 - iPod Shuffle Saves the Day!

Practice is hard today; I've had low energy all week and know I need to fit more quiet time into my days here. I'm glad it's Tuesday since I think another new posture would kill me today. I'm supposed to move into an apartment now, but I don't have a mattress yet, so I will stay one more night at Mr Joseph's. This seems like a very good idea because I really don't want to deal with moving right now, honestly, I just feel like crying today. I'm not sick or struggling with anything specific but I'm tired and I miss Jim and home and I'm feeling sorry for myself (I know, poor me, I get to spend 2 months studying yoga in India, how terrible!) I expected to be up and down with loving it and struggling here, though, so I'm not too worried... everything is impermanent, right? This mood will pass. I decide to take my laptop to the pool and catch up on my blog while I soak up some sun. I know it's a lot to blog every day, but I'm using this as my journal, too, so I'd like to keep it up as much as possible.

Anyway, I get to the pool and pull out my iPod for the first time in the 2 weeks I've been here and... OMG, it's like I'm totally transported somewhere else. THANK YOU LITTLE IPOD, LIFESAVING FRIEND!!! Now I'm just sitting in the sun next to a lovely pool, jamming Michael Franti and totally escaping from every little bit of India noise and yoga chatter... Ahhhhhh. That's better! I think I will be okay now. Still wish you all were here with me, though! Peace and Love from India xox


  1. Shelley, we are with you there is India. Yes, IPODs are indeed wonderful, transforming little devices! Are you kidding? We all know you are busy taking your experience and surroundings in. The last thing you need to explain is why you did not post. Of course you are missing Jim, your family and friends. You have a heart and soul and it is normal to feel this way. It is part of your journey. Enjoy even the difficult moments because there is beauty in them too. Vivian

  2. you went TWO WEEKS without using your iPod? Holy gomukasana, sister! for me, that is outside the realm of possibility. You are a very amazing woman, indeed.

