Wednesday, January 21, 2009

DAY 13 - Goats in the Pool

Today is Sunday, and it's the day of Mr Joseph's annual Capricorn Party. It's also his 60th birthday (!) but he's not advertising that; he says it's a party for everyone who's a Capricorn (that's me) and everyone who wants to be a Capricorn (he says that's everyone else) so basically, it's a big party for all the yoga people here in Mysore.

Now I've had a couple of inquiries in emails and on the blog about this Mr Joseph character, so let me explain: Mr Joseph owns the guesthouse I am living in for the beginning of my stay. He is originally from the states but has lived in Mysore for many years now. Mr Joseph used to travel with Guruji on his world tours; he would assist in making all the arrangements. Of course, he is an Ashtanga teacher as well. Mr Joseph takes good care of us here, providing a lovely house with a backup power generator (it took me a few days to realize we had one; I kept thinking, what was everyone at home talking about, power outages? the power never goes out here!), purified drinking water (very important since even the bottles you buy at the store have often been used and refilled with tap water), and wifi (most important of all, and this is the part I am really dreading giving up when I move). He is also an excellent source of information about where to go, who to see, what to do, and where to eat, as he knows all the yoga students and all the best spots in town. If you come to Mysore, you have to begin your stay at Mr Joseph's!

So, we get to the pool area at the Southern Star hotel for the Goats in the Pool Party and there are about 100 more people here than on an average day. It's quite a scene! It's a beautiful day (as usual) and a beautiful party. There are round tables set out all over the grassy area off to the side of the pool, and there's a huge organic buffet set up under tents. We eat lovely minestrone soup and salad and Indian buffet and tiramisu and ice cream and then we swim, without waiting 1 hour (sorry mom).

Sharath is speaking at the shala at 4:30 today so around 4 the pool party suddenly clears out. When I get to the shala it's as if the entire group has been picked up and transported there! It's a short talk and then we're off for the usual evening here in Mysore, early dinner, then home to bed.


  1. Yes, its me again. Sorry, it will probably keep happening if I am compelled to respond to something you write. That being said, it will be no future surprise. Thanks for filling us in on Mr. Joseph. It leads us, the reader, with a clearer picture. As for posting photos. I vote for not doing it so soon! Your writing ability leads us very effectively that perhaps the pixels would distort your prose! I guess I can choose not to look at the photos once posted. However, then it becomes forbidden fruit. Then again, it will not doubt completely compliment your words. Vivian

  2. I like what Miss Viv says about not posting photos. It's like we don't even need them. I already have a complete visual of you and the surroundings, and the Goat in the Pool. (is that a metaphor, or do the goats go swimming? do they wear trunks? do they wait 1 hour after eating?)
