Sunday, February 1, 2009

DAY 25 - TGI Another Friday

I've finally figured out why we have led classes on Fridays and Sundays: just in case any of us have any energy left at the end of a week of practice, they want to make sure we expend every last drop of it before our rest day. Ha! Basically, I think they kick our butts on Friday because we'll have Saturday off... and then again on Sunday, because we had Saturday off. (Don't be lazy!)

The great thing about Fridays here is that there's this vibe going around like we're on vacation, because we don't get up early for practice on Saturday morning. We go to dinner later, eating more than usual, and look forward to a whole day off. Lara and Geoffrey and I try a new restaurant for dinner tonight called Jwala. It's a cute little upstairs place, Punjabi food, and it is delicious! I'm loving the endless variety of vegetarian food here in India. We follow the spicy dinner in the warm restaurant with a walk to Just Gelato, where guy greets us with a radiant smile and offers us samples of several different flavors to help us decide... fresh mango, rich hazelnut, sweet lime. Many of the people here are incredibly warm and kind to us, like they take such pleasure in making others happy. It's really beautiful. The gelato is also delicious, and very refreshing because it has been so hot the last few days! The power goes out again and we stumble home along the side of the busy road, tripping over rocks and sand, and trying to avoid being run over by the chaotic rush of Friday night traffic racing by in the dark.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shelley...I'm just catching up on your fascinating journey in India! It sounds amazing. I've been remiss in my ashtanga practice but your blog has inspired me to get back into the groove. I hope all is well with you! :) Nikki
